Junior National Team Update 1/27

Post date: Jan 27, 2014 4:36:56 PM

Now that the official team confirmation period has closed I'm working to finalize the trip details. I'm hoping to have an informational e-mail sent out on Tuesday 1/28 to all athletes and families that have confirmed participation. This e-mail should help answer any questions you may have including final trip cost, travel details, mid-a team suit orders, deposit and trip payment, as well as additional information pertaining to this years trip. The team is shaping up to be one of the most competitive and largest teams we have fielded ! ! ! I'm already looking forward to March.

On that note this weekend NENSA is hosting an Eastern Cup in conjunction with an EISA Carnival at Trapp Family Lodge. The race format and courses will be the same ones used in March. For any athlete that is attending Junior Nationals this weekend will provide a sneak peak at what is in store for you. I hope to see many of you this weekend at Trapp and will be in touch with you via e-mail in regards to Junior Nationals !
